Wednesday 12 December 2007


Now I will explain you the contrasts and similarities between Ishmael Chamber`s relationship with Hatsue when he was a child, a grown-up man and at the end of the novel. The trial against Kabuo was in the winter 1952. Ishmael, the local reporter, saw Hatsue after fourteen years again and he reminded the earlier time. He knew that this fourteen years have changed a lot since they spent their time together under the cedar tree. It was a lucky time for them, although the parents were not allowed to find out their relationship, because Hatsue is a Japanese and should love a real Japanese boy. Now this is why it was a secret love. Later on, Hatsue leaved America due to the second world war. But nevertheless Ishmael felt the ditto lovely feeling for Hatsue in all his tree periodes (as a child, a grown-up and also at the end of the novel). He couldn`t forget her, neighter when she leaved America, nor she married Kabuo. So in contrast with Ishmaels true feelings was this relationship for Hatsue only a short childhood love. Because on the one hand she thought at the beginning of their relationship that she loved Ishmael, but on the other hand she ran away, when Ishmael asked her to marriage him. I also think that Ishmael never overcame his love to Hatsue, because he never had a girlfriend between this time when Hatsue leaved America. So when Ishmael saw her at the trial, she didn`t want to talk with him. First he couldn`t understand this, although that she wrote him a letter for many years and told him in this that she never want to see him again. And so the contact broken totally. Mabye she was afraid of him and his feelings, because she knew that he still loved her. Likewise when Ishmael was a child and Hatsue leaved America, he wanted also at the end of the novel to feel her body a last time. He was full of longing and he was also happy to see her at the trial again. I also think that he would have this longing forever, because Hatsue was his first big love. And you can see at the end of the novel very clearly that he really loved Hatsue, because he helped her to absolve her husband Kabuo. So that I will call true love.

Wörter: 360

Saturday 1 December 2007


I think art is quite relative and for each human differently. Maybe for some people this picture is art, but for me it’s a normal snapshot, nothing else. In my opinion you must see art in conjunction with skill, because otherwise every human can say that he creates art, although it’s only a little red point on a canvas. So when I look at this photograph a second time then it conveys me the impression of working in the garden, but not of being an artwork. Everybody can create such a photograph, and I think an artwork should be something special. So all in all it’s just a pretty picture for me, nothing else.

Wörter: 120

Saturday 17 November 2007

The beyond

I believe in re-incarnation and so I think that the beyond is only a short stop between the life before and the next life. Your body will stay at the earth, but your soul will fly up into a big saloon, where all angels waiting for you and god with your guardian angel will be sitting in front of you. Then god will turn on a video projector and so you can see how you lived your life. You will see your good and bad days, your emotions and your mistakes, which you have done in your life. And so, when the video will be over, god will stay up and tells you his opinion about the way you lived your life. Later on, he will decide with your guardian angel if you must go to earth as a human once more or if you can go on to the heaven. I don’t believe in a hell with devils and zombies, because I think it’s hard enough when god will sent you back to earth once more. So for me the beyond is like an exam, for example, when you were a very bad human, like an egoist, you must come back and correct what you have done so badly. But when you were a good human and didn’t harm someone other, then you will pass the exam and you can go on to the heaven, the last level which is also the most beautiful place anywhere.

Wörter: 245

Tuesday 25 September 2007

Dear Adam!

I read this report and I agree with the opinion from the museum, because I also think that Britain is a land of free speech. So everybody can say what he like or dislike. I also think that Giuliani is a little bit unfair, because he exaggerated, when he withheld the funding from the museum, only because he disliked the painting. It’s difficult to explain, but I think art is relative and for each human differently. So on the one hand I like art that “shocks”, but on the other hand I’m totally against “tasteless” art like an expression, which was called “Chinese, Synthese, Leberkäse”, showed last year in the KUB Bregenz. Art that “shocks” me is, for example, a picture as big as a house or a very beautiful song. So this art shocks me positive, in contrast to the “tasteless” art, which shocks me negative.

141 Wörter

Tuesday 1 May 2007

The big exam

The final exam to become teacher was on a hot, dry summer day in the middle of August. I was one of the examiner and the pupils liked me very much, because I never gave them any homework. The exam began at 8 o’clock in the morning and all pupils were on time. I knew that they were very nervous, because the examing board, which included Mr. Hellfil, Mrs. Breaksmith and me, were very strict. Mr. Hellfil was an angry old teacher like Mrs. Breaksmith and I knew that they didn’t like me, because I was very young and modern. So Jane Eyre, a very clever girl, was examined first. I looked at her testimony and I wondered, because I`ve never seen such a good certificate. “Hello, I’m Jane Eyre from the Lowood Institution,” she said. Her dress was simple and she seemed very nervous. I looked at her for a long time, during Mr. Hellfil asked her many questions. She replied very slowly and considered a lot, but her eyes showed sign of tension. Suddenly the bell rang and the first part of the exam was finished. In the pause we corrected the exam and deliberated a long time about her performance, but she gave only right answers and so she was positive. The next part, which was also the last part of the exam, was more difficult than the first part, because she must write an interpretation about the school. Jane wrote very fast, because she only had one hour to finish. After this hour, the bell rang again and the whole exam was completed. “Ok, Miss Eyre the time is over. Please, sit on this chair and wait,” said Mrs. Breaksmith. After one hour we came back. “Congratulation Miss Eyre. Now you are a teacher. Here is your certificate. Well done, all answers were right,” I said. “Thank you very much. It was always my big dream to become teacher,” she said. Then she stood up, opened the door and went outside. “All the best for your future,” I shouted to her. For a moment she turned around and waved goodbye. Then she walked away.

Wörter: 364

Saturday 17 March 2007


Welcome to the CNB-evening talk with Carla Columna.

C(Carla): Good evening and hello to my new guest, Jimmy Folko. Jimmy, today we talk about your latest novel “Hard times or my grandfather’s childhood”. But what does it means? Can you tell us more about it?

J(Jimmy): Sure I can. The novel is about my grandfather who was born in 1839 at the beginning of the Victorian times and his life was very hard. His parents were very poor and so he started to work when he was five years old.

C: What was his job?

J: Oh, he did various kinds of jobs, but many of them were unpleasant and dangerous. Sometimes he worked in a coal mine to push trucks of coal to the surface only by the light of a candle. Later he got ill, but he had to carry on with his work.

C: Oh dear, it’s very cruel.

J: Yes, it is. But later on he leaved the coal mine, because he had to sweep the chimneys. So he climbed up to the roofs every day. It was really dangerous, because many friends of him died at this job.

C: It’s so tragically.

J: Yes, but the hardest moment for him was when his parents died. So he was taken to his grandparents, where he could sleep and eat and the important thing: He could go to the village school near by the church, because his grandparents were rich. It was a strict school, where boys and girls were separated. But my grandfather liked the school very much, although the teacher could hit the pupils with a can or a ruler if they didn’t listen to him. One day my grandfather unintentional made an inkblot on the paper and the teacher hit him so much that he couldn’t go to school for three days.

C: Oh my god.

J: On the one hand it was terrible, but on the other hand my grandfather loved lessons like technology, maths and science. And he also had an advantage opposite the girls, because boys were more important in the Victorian times than girls.

C: It’s very unfair. But what did your grandfather in his leisure?

J: He played with other kids football on the street and the football was made from old rags. They also had marbles and hoops and ones a month came an organ player with a monkey in the little village and the children were very glad.

C: Your grandfather had an interesting life, Jimmy, but we shouldn’t sell more about your novel, because the people should read it themselves.

J: Yes, its true. Thank you that I could be here, Miss Carla.

C: Thank you too for this interesting interview, Mr. Folko.

So that was the CNB-evening talk with Carla Columna. The next episode is on Monday at 20:15.

Words: 489