Saturday 17 November 2007

The beyond

I believe in re-incarnation and so I think that the beyond is only a short stop between the life before and the next life. Your body will stay at the earth, but your soul will fly up into a big saloon, where all angels waiting for you and god with your guardian angel will be sitting in front of you. Then god will turn on a video projector and so you can see how you lived your life. You will see your good and bad days, your emotions and your mistakes, which you have done in your life. And so, when the video will be over, god will stay up and tells you his opinion about the way you lived your life. Later on, he will decide with your guardian angel if you must go to earth as a human once more or if you can go on to the heaven. I don’t believe in a hell with devils and zombies, because I think it’s hard enough when god will sent you back to earth once more. So for me the beyond is like an exam, for example, when you were a very bad human, like an egoist, you must come back and correct what you have done so badly. But when you were a good human and didn’t harm someone other, then you will pass the exam and you can go on to the heaven, the last level which is also the most beautiful place anywhere.

Wörter: 245

1 comment:

Guenter said...

"on earth" - "in the world"
"all angels are waiting..."
you make a mistake
to stay up = not to go to bed
"God will stand up and tell you ..."
No article with "heaven" (unless you add ... of ... "the heaven of ...")
"God will send ... " (no past tense after "will")
"if you were a good human being ..." (Bedingung!)
quite fluent, clearly presented, but a couple of mistakes