Thursday 27 November 2008

Group 6 Fashion isn’t Individuality = All are the same!

PRO: You don’t have to think à Just buy what the others wear
You don’t have to be terrified of discrimination, because others wear the same!
You don’t need so many time in the morning!
You just have more self confidence, because when you wear, what the others wear than you’re normally not an outsider!

People buy exactly what the trend is looking for! à Loose your individuality!
It’s a general flavour and not your own style!
There are also many hanger-on’s!
With the same clothes you can still be an outsider (e.g. school uniforms à can see poor and rich)!
You can’t express yourself (your opinion)!
Lower quality (clothes)!

ADDITIONAL THOUGHTS: You can express your individuality also in other ways, for example, by the hair style…!
It`s not sure that you loose your individuality only because you buy your clothes by “H&M”… (Character is also a part of your individuality)!
Not everyone buys his clothes by “H&M”… à some people like, for example, label clothes…
You can wear what you want; you just have to feel comfortable!
You can get attention by clothes / your style!

Angela, Anja and Sarah.M

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