Sunday 4 May 2008


Today people are alarmed about all the violence in our society and in the media. Many experts are wondering why it is increasing and they are searching for some solutions. I will address these issues.

I totally agree with Medved when he exposes the four big lies of the media. It simply isn’t true that violent movies are just harmless entertainment and don’t influence society, says Mr. Medved, a British author. And I claim he’s right, because he also gave a convincing example. “On the one hand it doesn’t influence everybody, but on the other hand this does not mean that it doesn’t influence anybody”, he said. For instance a young couple who shot two people, because they saw the film “Natural Born Killers” and thought it was a great movie. And I also thought, duty like Mr. Medved that this couple are nit the only copycat killers out there. Another point is that movie industries suggest that the violence that we see in TV is like the daily violence around us. Mr. Medved talked to a crowd of people who ever witnessed a murder and only one hand went up. Then he asked who recently witnessed a murder on TV- and everybody put their hand up. So this short demonstration shows that real life is no part of a Hollywood movie. And therefore I agree with Michael’s opinion. Nevertheless, the film industry often says that they only give the public what they want. However Mr. Medved doesn’t understand why they praise the violent stuff and not the family entertainment. And he’s right, because I also think that it will be more important to praise the family entertainment.

Now why I think there’s so much violence in our world is, because I think that violence is something that we learn. We hear about it, see it and imitate it. So for me it’s a product of a learning process. Many people learn not to hurt others, but to take it out on things, for example, slam the door. But likewise we can also find harmless ways of acting out our violence, for example in sport. In addition, I also think that violence is a little bit an instinct which we all have, because it’s necessary for survival and always with us. In contrast to these arguments, many scientists say that violence is a result of frustration. When we don’t get what we want, we become frustration and then it will turn into violence. I think that’s not true, because everybody can control himself and we forget very fast what we want but don’t get. So all in all I think that violence is a feeling which we all have.

Many theories claim that children get more violent and that’s simply true. Vandalism and burglary has dropped since 1997 and the most important thing in helping children reject violence is the family life. There should also be more punishment for people who sell alcohol to children, says the “Commission for children and violence”. Alcohol also increases the violent attendance drastically. There should be also a better social environment in which the children can grown-up in peace.

So all in all I don’t think that the world will turn better, because it’s too late. There’s too much destroyed by us human.


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