Friday 5 December 2008

BBC Campaign Wall Street 44a
0879 London

Sarah Morscher
Blumenweg 4
6988 Berlin

5th December 2008

Dear BBC – Team!

Letter of complaint

The purpose why I write you is very simple to explain. I only want to complain about an advertisement that I saw on your channel yesterday.

It was around 11pm when I watched your TV channel and I’m sorry to say this, but the advertisement about the new perfume “Love circle” really shocked me! It was like a short pornographically film and all the actresses were naked. Therefore I think this advertisement should be forbidden, because the women were represented in a very tasteless and humiliated way. Can you do anything about this?

I’m convinced that also many young people watch the BBC channel and I’m afraid of this, because, for example, a twelve year old boy shouldn’t see such a scene. In my opinion should be a ban on such provocative advertisement. I also believe that many people will get a wrong impression of women by seeing this spot.

Therefore I hope that you delete this advertisement about the perfume “Love circle”!

Yours sincerely

Sarah Morscher

1 comment:

Guenter said...

Correct letter format.
Instead of 'letter of complaint" you could also be more specific: 'Complaint about the presentation of women in commercials'.
the purpose of my letter is to ... / the reason why I write is ...
a short porn film
the women were presented ...
a humiliating way
in my opinion there should be a ban on ..
advertisement, advertising (Reklame), to advertise, commercial (on TV!)
"delete" is wrong here.
Yours sincerely, ... (comma!)

This is basically correct, but you could go into more detail when you argue for your position (by giving more arguments with examples).
You present your position quite clearly, however.