Sunday 1 February 2009


Mr. Michael Bean
Aunt Emma Shop
44 Flower Road
Summerfield, SA 88248
Dear Mr. Bean

Application for the shop assistant position

I’m writing to apply for the shop assistant position, advertised in the “Global Shop Times”.
For the last four years I have been worked by “Cafe Cup” as a waitress and I’ve always tried to keep up with new develops in this gastronomic business. So one of my reasons for applying is that I want to work as something new. I think, as a shop assistant you’ve learning to handle with many different people and I always wanted such a job in normal society and I also like to deal with customers. So my personal qualities to do this job are:

I’ve done the exam at the “Global school of higher mathematic” so I have the full understanding in calculating
I have a reputation for punctuality and the skill to convince other people
Because of the job as a waitress I also learned how to work with stress and high pressure

I can be reached every time via my cell phone. Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing from you.

Sincerely yours... Sarah Morscher

Encl.: CV, References

1 comment:

Guenter said...

Your address?
The date?
Also mention when it was advertised!
I have worked (have been worked --> passive!) as a waitress for Cafe Cup ...
in this line of business
so one of the reasons for applying is that I want to gain some work experience.
as a shop assistant you learn (= fact!) to deal with ...
I've always wanted (present perfect!!)
"in normal society" C???
I also like to be in direct contact with customers
My personal qualities and qualifications are ... (no 'so').
I've passed the Matura, the Austrian school-leaving exam at a school of higher education with an emphasis on mathematics so I'm good at calculating.
and I'm good at persuading other people ... (confince / persuade)
Because of my job as a waitress I also learned how to deal with / cope with ...
I can be reached via my cell phone (number?) at any time ..
thank you ... for considering my application.