Saturday 28 February 2009

My Opinion Essay

In my opinion it’s very important to stay informed, no matter if it’s by radio, TV or Internet, because I think that everyone should know what’s going on in the world.

I’m convinced that news are more than only entertainment, because they are automatically an important part of our society. For example, when you hear about a tornado, which destroys a small area of the USA, then it’s in the most case a main issue and that’s exactly what people are talking about. You should have a certain knowledge in this world to speak and discuss with other people.

Another point why I think that “staying informed” is very important is that we can also learn form the others. For instance, when you look at the news on TV and you see a report about genmanipulated food and how unhealthy it is than you can change your opinion and think “No, I don’t support such a bad investigation.” News can influence you, so that you have the choice if you think it’s good or bad. Therefore you will make your own ideas about many different issues and you automatically deal with your environment.

I also believe that it’s important to stay informed because of the history. News are like “mirrors” which tell us what we have done. So nobody can say “It’s not my problem what happened or what other people do” because we live all together in the same world so that we are automatically in connection. And it’s the duty of everyone to be informed about all these things I think. We are addicted to every human, because we are a part of a system and together we are the society who rules the world.

Now when we are informed, we can make suggestions to solve a problem. TV, radio, Internet etc. give us the chance to rebel against things which we think are bad. News are for everyone – everyone can inform the others and everyone can get informed with them. I think it’s very important to have an own opinion today, because it’s the main part of how you are presented in the publicity. For example, when you apply for a new job and someone asks you some “current questions” for instance “Who is our new Bundeskanzler?” then you should know this, because otherwise it can be a little bit embarrassing and the chance to get the job becomes lower and lower. You also make no good impression when you’re not informed about the latest news.

Finally I think that we should know the main things about what’s going on in the world, although the life goes on and on. We’re not alone.

Words: 473

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