Saturday 28 February 2009

My Opinion Essay

In my opinion it’s very important to stay informed, no matter if it’s by radio, TV or Internet, because I think that everyone should know what’s going on in the world.

I’m convinced that news are more than only entertainment, because they are automatically an important part of our society. For example, when you hear about a tornado, which destroys a small area of the USA, then it’s in the most case a main issue and that’s exactly what people are talking about. You should have a certain knowledge in this world to speak and discuss with other people.

Another point why I think that “staying informed” is very important is that we can also learn form the others. For instance, when you look at the news on TV and you see a report about genmanipulated food and how unhealthy it is than you can change your opinion and think “No, I don’t support such a bad investigation.” News can influence you, so that you have the choice if you think it’s good or bad. Therefore you will make your own ideas about many different issues and you automatically deal with your environment.

I also believe that it’s important to stay informed because of the history. News are like “mirrors” which tell us what we have done. So nobody can say “It’s not my problem what happened or what other people do” because we live all together in the same world so that we are automatically in connection. And it’s the duty of everyone to be informed about all these things I think. We are addicted to every human, because we are a part of a system and together we are the society who rules the world.

Now when we are informed, we can make suggestions to solve a problem. TV, radio, Internet etc. give us the chance to rebel against things which we think are bad. News are for everyone – everyone can inform the others and everyone can get informed with them. I think it’s very important to have an own opinion today, because it’s the main part of how you are presented in the publicity. For example, when you apply for a new job and someone asks you some “current questions” for instance “Who is our new Bundeskanzler?” then you should know this, because otherwise it can be a little bit embarrassing and the chance to get the job becomes lower and lower. You also make no good impression when you’re not informed about the latest news.

Finally I think that we should know the main things about what’s going on in the world, although the life goes on and on. We’re not alone.

Words: 473

Monday 23 February 2009

My Table=)

When you look at this graph, you can see a curve which slightely goes up and down. There are the vertical y axis and the horizontal x axis. It shows us the "ganzrationale Funktion" and there are no other types of lines, only one curve and between -3 and -1 are an upward trend and between 0 and 2 are a downward trend over the period. This curve bounces up and afterwards it rallies down.

Sunday 1 February 2009


Mr. Michael Bean
Aunt Emma Shop
44 Flower Road
Summerfield, SA 88248
Dear Mr. Bean

Application for the shop assistant position

I’m writing to apply for the shop assistant position, advertised in the “Global Shop Times”.
For the last four years I have been worked by “Cafe Cup” as a waitress and I’ve always tried to keep up with new develops in this gastronomic business. So one of my reasons for applying is that I want to work as something new. I think, as a shop assistant you’ve learning to handle with many different people and I always wanted such a job in normal society and I also like to deal with customers. So my personal qualities to do this job are:

I’ve done the exam at the “Global school of higher mathematic” so I have the full understanding in calculating
I have a reputation for punctuality and the skill to convince other people
Because of the job as a waitress I also learned how to work with stress and high pressure

I can be reached every time via my cell phone. Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing from you.

Sincerely yours... Sarah Morscher

Encl.: CV, References

Friday 26 December 2008

Correction of the first exam

Nowadays there are many products which promise us perfect beauty. Fashion, dieting, or a surgery- today you have a very wide choice. But what is the real price we have to pay for beauty? Are there any advantages or disadvantages?

I think there are some important disadvantages to this struggle. At first the risk of bodily harm. There could be a very bad surgeon who makes a botched job and so maybe you’re totally disfigured after such a surgery. In my point of view I also recognize many psychological problems, for instance the “body distortion”. Today also many people suffer from diseases, for example anorexia or bulimia, because they want to be perfect and don’t know that they destroy their own body. In my opinion there’s only a short distinction between the “idea of being beautiful” and the “madness of beauty”.

But on the other hand there are also some important advantages to this struggle. At first the feeling of being accepted an integrated in our society. Fashion makes you feel more self-confident, therefore you’re also more relaxed, because you definitely know what not to wear. Disfigures like blemishes or scars…can be removed when you know what’s trendy. Fashion represents what you like or dislike and it shows also a little bit of your own individuality. In my opinion it’s very important how you look, because that’s what we see at first.

So all in all I think that everyone should do what he wants. In most case I like all people, no matter if they are fat or ugly-dressed. For me the character plays a central role, because only when someone wears a Nike T-shirt this doesn’t mean that he’s also a good friend. I personally believe that beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

Friday 5 December 2008

BBC Campaign Wall Street 44a
0879 London

Sarah Morscher
Blumenweg 4
6988 Berlin

5th December 2008

Dear BBC – Team!

Letter of complaint

The purpose why I write you is very simple to explain. I only want to complain about an advertisement that I saw on your channel yesterday.

It was around 11pm when I watched your TV channel and I’m sorry to say this, but the advertisement about the new perfume “Love circle” really shocked me! It was like a short pornographically film and all the actresses were naked. Therefore I think this advertisement should be forbidden, because the women were represented in a very tasteless and humiliated way. Can you do anything about this?

I’m convinced that also many young people watch the BBC channel and I’m afraid of this, because, for example, a twelve year old boy shouldn’t see such a scene. In my opinion should be a ban on such provocative advertisement. I also believe that many people will get a wrong impression of women by seeing this spot.

Therefore I hope that you delete this advertisement about the perfume “Love circle”!

Yours sincerely

Sarah Morscher

Thursday 27 November 2008

Group 6 Fashion isn’t Individuality = All are the same!

PRO: You don’t have to think à Just buy what the others wear
You don’t have to be terrified of discrimination, because others wear the same!
You don’t need so many time in the morning!
You just have more self confidence, because when you wear, what the others wear than you’re normally not an outsider!

People buy exactly what the trend is looking for! à Loose your individuality!
It’s a general flavour and not your own style!
There are also many hanger-on’s!
With the same clothes you can still be an outsider (e.g. school uniforms à can see poor and rich)!
You can’t express yourself (your opinion)!
Lower quality (clothes)!

ADDITIONAL THOUGHTS: You can express your individuality also in other ways, for example, by the hair style…!
It`s not sure that you loose your individuality only because you buy your clothes by “H&M”… (Character is also a part of your individuality)!
Not everyone buys his clothes by “H&M”… à some people like, for example, label clothes…
You can wear what you want; you just have to feel comfortable!
You can get attention by clothes / your style!

Angela, Anja and Sarah.M

Friday 21 November 2008

Countrylife vs. Citylife

Nowadays many people, who are living in a country, want to have more action and entertainment, so they went to a city. But on the opposite there are also many people in a city, who want a life with more silence and more natural environment. In other words- they want to live on the countryside.
City versus country…which is the best place to live?

There are many good aspects for living on the countryside. Firstly the good, clean and fresh air. In contrast to the city has the country no pollution and therefore also no exhaust fumes. So when you live in a country than you also live near the nature. Trees, fields and flowers would be a normal part in your daily lifetime. You also can go walking without seeing cars or anything like that. In most case you can live in a house with an own garden, so you have enough place to create your “own little paradise”. Living in a country means living in silence and in balance with the nature.

Now these arguments about the life in a country sounds nearly perfect…but for many people it’s definitive the wrong place to live. They want no silence and no nature…they want fun and action, nightlife and entertainment. So when you want all these things, then you must go to the city, because it differs a lot form a life in a country. In the city there are many, many shops and restaurants, bars and clubs. The selection of all this is much bigger than in a country. Therefore I understand people who want to live in a city because of the “boring” live in a country.

Now to conclude I think that every human has his own choice, if he wants to live in a country, near the nature, or in a city with full of action and entertainment.

Words: 312